Source code for structs.arrays

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from bisect import bisect
from textwrap import dedent
from collections import deque, Iterable

__author__ = 'Jon Nappi'
__all__ = ['prev', 'BaseList', 'BitArray', 'SortedList', 'CircularArray']

[docs]class BaseList(list): """Custom :const:`list` subclass with some additional iteration functionality """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._iter_index = 0 def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._iter_index = 0 return self def __prev__(self): """Add basic implementation of the prev API""" try: result = self[self._iter_index] self._iter_index -= 1 except IndexError: raise StopIteration return result prev = __prev__ def __next__(self): """Handle next iteration functionality""" try: result = self[self._iter_index] self._iter_index += 1 except IndexError: raise StopIteration return result next = __next__
[docs]class BitArray(list): """A bit array (also known as bitmap, bitset, bit string, or bit vector) is an array data structure that compactly stores bits. It can be used to implement a simple set data structure. A bit array is effective at exploiting bit-level parallelism in hardware to perform operations quickly. """ def __init__(self, iterable=()): """Create a new :class:`BitArray` instance""" # Force binary integer values super(BitArray, self).__init__([int(bool(item)) for item in iterable])
[docs] def append(self, p_object): """Append the logical bitwise representation of *p_object*""" super(BitArray, self).append(int(bool(p_object)))
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Append the logical bitwise representation of the objects in *iterable* """ super(BitArray, self).extend([int(bool(item)) for item in iterable])
[docs] def insert(self, index, p_object): """Append the logical bitwise representation of *p_object* to *index* """ super(BitArray, self).insert(index, int(bool(p_object)))
def __or__(self, other): """Perform a logical or on the bits in this :class:`BitArray`""" if not isinstance(other, BitArray): raise ValueError return bin(int(self) | int(other)) def __and__(self, other): """Perform a logical and on the bits in this :class:`BitArray`""" if not isinstance(other, BitArray): raise ValueError return bin(int(self) & int(other)) def __xor__(self, other): """Perform a logical xor on the bits in this :class:`BitArray`""" if not isinstance(other, BitArray): raise ValueError return bin(int(self) ^ int(other)) def __invert__(self): """Return a new :class:`BitArray` instance with the opposite bit arrangement. Ie:: >>> b = BitArray([True, False, False]) >>> str(b) ... '100' >>> str(~b) ... '001' """ return BitArray([0 if x == 1 else 1 for x in self]) def __neg__(self): """Return the integer value of the :class:`BitArray` returned from a call to :meth:`BitArray.__invert__` """ return int(self.__invert__()) def __lshift__(self, other): """Perform an arithmetic left shift *other* bits to the left :returns: A new :class:`BitArray` with the shifted bits """ if other < 0: other = -other dq = deque(self) dq.rotate(-other) return BitArray(dq) def __rshift__(self, other): """Perform an arithmetic right shift *other* bits to the right :returns: A new :class:`BitArray` with the shifted bits """ if other < 0: other = -other dq = deque(self) dq.rotate(other) return BitArray(dq) def __int__(self): """Returns the integer representation of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return int(str(self), 2) def __float__(self): """Returns the float representation of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return float(int(self)) def __complex__(self): """Returns the complex number representation of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return complex(int(self)) def __oct__(self): """Returns the octal representation of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return oct(int(self)) def __hex__(self): """Returns the hexadecimal representation of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return hex(int(self)) def __bool__(self): """Returns the truthy-ness of this :class:`BitArray`'s :const:`int` representation """ return bool(int(self)) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # py2-3 compatability def __str__(self): """:const:`str` method. Returns a :const:`str` bitmap representation of this :class:`BitArray` """ return ''.join(map(str, self)) __repr__ = __str__ def __iadd__(self, other): """Add bitwise representations of *other* to this :class:`BitArray`""" if isinstance(other, Iterable): self.extend(other) else: self.append(other) def __eq__(self, other): """Custom Equivalence operator""" if isinstance(other, BitArray): return int(self) == int(other) elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) == other return False def __ne__(self, other): """Return the opposite of __eq__""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): """Return the integer representation of this :class:`BitArray`""" return int(self)
[docs]class SortedList(list): """A list implementation that always maintains a sorted order""" def __init__(self, iterable=(), key=None, reverse=False): """Create a new :class:`SortedList`. If *iterable* is specified, it will be sorted using *key* and added like a sequence passed to a normal :const:`list` constructor. :param iterable: An iterable to be sorted and inserted into this list :param key: *key* specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element: ie, key=str.lower. The default value is None (compare the elements directly). :param reverse: A boolean value. If set to :const:`True`, then the :const:`list` elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed. """ super(SortedList, self).__init__( sorted(iterable, key=key or (lambda x: x), reverse=reverse) ) self.key = key or (lambda x: x) self._reverse = reverse
[docs] def append(self, p_object): """Add *p_object* into ordered place in the :const:`list`""" self.insert(p_object)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Append each item in *iterable* into it's sorted location in the :const:`list` """ [self.insert(x) for x in iterable]
[docs] def insert(self, p_object, *args): """Insert *p_object* at it's calculated index""" index = bisect(self, self.key(p_object)) print(index) if self._reverse and index == 0: index = -1 elif self._reverse: index *= -1 super(SortedList, self).insert(index, p_object)
def __iadd__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, list): raise TypeError self.extend(other) return self
[docs]class CircularArray(BaseList): """A :const:`list` subclass that will continually iterate until explicitly broken out of. ie, you're probably going to want a :const:`return` or :const:`break` in a loop over a :class:`CircularArray` """ def __next__(self): """Keep looping forever, if we hit an IndexError, reset index to 0""" try: result = self[self._iter_index] except IndexError: if self._iter_index == 0: raise StopIteration # Don't continually loop over empty lists self._iter_index = 0 result = self[self._iter_index] self._iter_index += 1 return result def __prev__(self): """Keep looping backwards forever, if we hit an IndexError, reset index to -1 """ try: result = self[self._iter_index] except IndexError: if self._iter_index == 0: raise StopIteration # Don't continually loop over empty lists self._iter_index = -1 result = self[self._iter_index] self._iter_index -= 1 return result
class GapBuffer(list): """""" pass class HashedArrayTree(list): """""" pass class HeightMap(list): """""" pass class LookupTable(list): """""" pass class ParallelArray(object): """ Create a dynamic number of list attributes depending on a size attribute, some kind of append logic that will expand a set of parameters into the lists from structs.arrays import ParallelArray p = ParallelArray('Person', ['names', 'ages']) p.append('John Smith', 23) p.names.append('Johnny Appleseed') p.ages.append(121) for item in p: print(item) """ def __init__(self, typename, keys): self.typename, self._keys = typename, keys for key in self._keys: setattr(self, key, []) self.__generate_append() def __generate_append(self): """Handle the dynamic generation of this ParallelArray instance's append method, which will be exec'd into the instances __dict__, thus allowing for a per-basis append signature to be used. """ append = dedent(r""" def append(self, {args}): '''Add the specified arguments to the underlying parallel lists. Actual signature will vary depending on usage ''' arg_list = [{args}] for key, arg in zip(self._keys, arg_list): getattr(self, key).append(arg) """ ).strip().format(args=', '.join(self._keys)) exec(append, self.__dict__) # exec dumps a function into our dict which means it will expect `self` # to be passed as an explicit arg. Since functions are "technically" # descriptors, use the function's `__get__` method to bind it to our # instance self.append = self.append.__get__(self, self.__class__) def __iter__(self): return zip(*[getattr(self, key) for key in self._keys]) def append(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add the specified arguments to the underlying parallel lists. Actual signature will vary depending on usage """ raise NotImplementedError def extend(self, iterable): """Append the logical bitwise representation of the objects in *iterable* """ for args in iterable: self.append(*args) def insert(self, index, p_object): """Append the logical bitwise representation of *p_object* to *index* """ for i, key, obj in enumerate(zip(self._keys, p_object)): getattr(self, key).insert(index, obj) def __len__(self): return len(getattr(self, self._keys[0])) def __str__(self): out = '[' for item in self: out += '{}, '.format(item) return out[:-2] + ']' __repr__ = __str__ class SparseArray(list): """""" pass class SelfOrganizingList(list): """""" pass class SkipList(list): """""" pass class UnrolledLinkList(list): """""" pass class XORLinkedList(list): """""" pass class DoublyConnectedEdgeList(list): """""" pass class Tree(list): """""" pass class Graph(Tree): """""" pass