Source code for structs.maps

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__author__ = 'Jon Nappi'
__all__ = ['Dict', 'BiDirectionalMap', 'MultiMap']

[docs]class Dict(dict): """Overriden :const:`dict` type with iadd functionality which will allow you to append two dictionaries together. ie:: >>> d = Dict(a=1, b=2) >>> d += {'c': 3, 'd': 4} >>> d ... {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4} """ def __iadd__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, dict): msg = 'Can not concatenate Dict and {}'.format(type(other)) raise TypeError(msg) for key, val in other.items(): self[key] = val return self
[docs]class BiDirectionalMap(Dict): """a bidirectional map, or hash bag, is an associative data structure in which the (key, value) pairs form a one-to-one correspondence. Thus the binary relation is functional in each direction: value can also act as a key to key. A pair (a, b) thus provides a unique coupling between a and b so that b can be found when a is used as a key and a can be found when b is used as a key. """ def __init__(self, iterable=None, **kwargs): """Create a new instance of a :class:`bidirectionaldict` :param iterable: An iterable of 2-tuples :param kwargs: Explitily specified key value pairs for this :class:`bidirectionaldict` """ super(BiDirectionalMap, self).__init__() self.__keys = [] self.__vals = [] if iterable: self.__keys = [k for (k, v) in iterable] self.__vals = [v for (k, v) in iterable] for key, val in kwargs.items(): self.__keys.append(key) self.__vals.append(val) def __contains__(self, item): """Contains method determines if *item* is in this :class:`bidirectionaldict`'s keys or values :param item: An arbitrary key or value to search for :return: :const:`True` if *item* is in this :class:`bidirectionaldict`, :const:`False` otherwise """ return item in self.__keys or item in self.__vals
[docs] def get(self, k, d=None): """Return self[k] if k is in this :class:`bidirectionaldict`, otherwise return *d* :param k: A key to return from this :class:`bidirectionaldict` :param d: The default value to return if *k* is not in this :class:`bidirectionaldict` :return: The value mapped to by *k* or *d* if *k* is not in this :class:`bidirectionaldict` """ try: return self[k] except KeyError: return d
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set self[key] to value.""" try: index = self.__keys.index(key) self.__vals[index] = value except ValueError: try: index = self.__vals.index(key) self.__keys[index] = value except ValueError: self.__keys.append(key) self.__vals.append(value) def __getitem__(self, y): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" try: index = self.__keys.index(y) return self.__vals[index] except ValueError: try: index = self.__vals.index(y) return self.__keys[index] except ValueError: raise KeyError(y) def __str__(self): """Overriden str representation that iterates through all keys and values contained in this :class:`bidirectionaldict` """ if len(self.__keys) == 0: return '{}' output = '{' fmt = '{}: {}, ' for key, val in zip(self.__keys, self.__vals): output += fmt.format(repr(key), repr(val)) return output[:-2] + '}' __repr__ = __str__ def __len__(self): """__keys and __values will always be the same length, so return the length of __keys to be somewhat consistent with the default :const:`dict`'s __len__ method """ return len(self.__keys)
[docs] def keys(self): """Return a generator of the keys in this :class:`BiDirectionalDict`""" return (key for key in self.__keys)
[docs] def values(self): """Return a generator of the values in this :class:`BiDirectionalDict` """ return (value for value in self.__vals)
[docs] def items(self): """Return a 2-tuple of the (key, value) pairs in this :class:`BiDirectionalDict` """ return ((key, value) for (key, value) in zip(self.__keys, self.__vals))
[docs]class MultiMap(Dict): """A :class:`MultiMap` is a generalization of a :const:`dict` type in which more than one value may be associated with and returned for a given key """
[docs] def update(self, other=None, **kwargs): """Update this :class:`MultiMap` with either the :param other: Another :const:`dict` to merge into this :class:`MultiMap` or an iterable of (key, value) 2-tuples :param kwargs: Arbitrary keyword args to merge into this :class:`MultiMap` """ if other is not None and hasattr(other, 'keys'): for key in other: self[key] = other[key] elif other is not None and hasattr(other, '__iter__'): for key, val in other: self[key] = val for key, val in kwargs.items(): self[key] = val
[docs] def setdefault(self, k, d=None): """If *k* is not contained in this :class:`MultiMap` then store the value *d* in it. :param k: The key to set the value for :param d: The default value to assign to key *k* :return: The value stored at key *k* """ if k not in self: self[k] = d return self[k]
def _append_key(self, key, value): """Handle either adding the *key*, *value* pair to the :const:`dict` or appending *value* to the list stored at *key* """ if isinstance(self[key], list): self[key].append(value) else: super(MultiMap, self).__setitem__(key, [self.get(key), value]) def __iadd__(self, other): """Overriden __iadd__ functionality that will append values from *other* if any of the keys match :param other: Another :const:`dict` type to merge into this :class:`MultiMap` """ if not isinstance(other, dict): msg = 'Can not concatenate Dict and {}'.format(type(other)) raise TypeError(msg) for key, val in other.items(): if key in self: self._append_key(key, val) else: self[key] = val def __setitem__(self, key, value): """If *key* is in this :class:`MultiMap` then :param key: The key to assign *value* to :param value: The *value* to assign to *key* """ if key in self: self._append_key(key, value) else: super(MultiMap, self).__setitem__(key, value)